Invitation til Yamaha Genos koncert med Martin Harris. Det helt nye Yamaha Genos Keyboard er nu ude i butikkerne. (Gratis adgang). Vores nye topmodel har været længe ventet, og vi har oplevet en kæmpe interesse for at høre instrumentet – en interesse som vi er meget glade for og gerne vil imødekomme. Derfor inviterer vi hermed til en oplevelse i absolut særklasse : Martin Harris på Genos – i Konservatoriets Koncertsal i København.
For end of the year Yamaha is providing more helpful information and new content for Genos customer.
De første nye digitale workstations ankommer hos forhandlerne i november. Samtidig har Yamaha færdiggjort udviklingen af nye softwareredskaber samt den første Genos Firmware-update.
Yamaha Corporation's Electric Violin "YEV," Electric Guitar "REVSTAR," and Mobile Mini Keyboards "reface" have been awarded the German Design Award 2018 and all the three products have been chosen as a "Winner" for their excellence.
Genos er designet til at gøre kunstnerisk kreativitet og musikproduktion mere ubesværet og intuitiv end nogensinde før.
From 30th June to 15th July 2017, the annual Montreux Jazz Festival takes place again: a fascinating musical odyssey that has been taking place since 1967 every summer at the idyllic location on Lake Geneva.
Designed to give beginners everything they need to start and continue on their musical journey, these new keyboards have a complete range of features you would normally find only on high-end instruments.
"The perfect all-in-one mini drum kit solution". Designed from a drummer's point of view. Play along with your favourite music!