Away from the chaos of the NAMM Show, we invited some artists to hang out for some jams in the sunshine checking our latest gear.
Yamaha Corporation's Electric Violin "YEV," Electric Guitar "REVSTAR," and Mobile Mini Keyboards "reface" have been awarded the German Design Award 2018 and all the three products have been chosen as a "Winner" for their excellence.
Yamaha partook in this year’s North Sea Jazz Festival by providing numerous instruments for the internationally renowned event.
Minh Doky skiller sig ud som en af de mest talentfulde bassister i moderne musik. En kunstner der bliver regnet for en mester på akustisk bas, og som er bredt anerkendt for sit passionerede spil og ekstraordinære tekniske kunnen. Doky blev født ind i en musikalsk familie i København og blev motiveret og undervist i klaver af sin far fra en alder af seks år.
Miki Santamaria er en professionel bassist fra Barcelona.
Ladylike Lily er et soloprojekt fra det franske multitalent Orianne Marsilli. Vi har mødt Orianne i sin hjemby Paris for at få en liveudgave af sangen "Bain de Minuit" fra hendes 2016-udgivelse "Dans la Matiére" Klik for at se videoen...
From 30th June to 15th July 2017, the annual Montreux Jazz Festival takes place again: a fascinating musical odyssey that has been taking place since 1967 every summer at the idyllic location on Lake Geneva.
Yamaha’s award-winning range of Silent instruments allow players to practice and rehearse ‘silently’ on headphones without being disturbed or disturbing others.