Experience the response and feel of an authentic acoustic action

To express yourself musically, you need to form a physical bond with your instrument. In the case of the AvantGrand series, it starts with the keys. Real wooden keys with a comfortable touch, thanks to Ivorite® keytops that look and feel just like natural ivory. Then comes the all-important key action, which the AvantGrand series has inherited from Yamaha’s esteemed concert grand pianos. Beneath your fingers you sense the same precise weight and responsiveness, the same scope for expression. To capture every nuance of your performance, Yamaha employs a non-contact optical sensor system that doesn’t affect the feel or performance of the action in any way. Under each key is a continuous optical sensor that captures the speed and depth at which that key is depressed. An additional optical sensor affixed to each hammer shank measures the timing and strength of the hammer hitting the virtual “strings”. This information is instantly translated into a beautifully authentic sound reproduction. The more you play, the more you find yourself becoming one with the piano.
To verdensklasseflygler i ét instrument

Når det gælder pianotone er det i høj grad et spørgsmål om personlig smag. For at hjælpe dig med at få lige den tone, du ønsker, giver Yamaha dig to af verdens bedste koncertflygler i ét instrument - hver med sin egen unikke karaktér og muligheder for at udtrykke den følelse, du ønsker gennem din musik. Med et tryk på en knap på det nye AvantGrand N3X, kan du vælge mellem autentiske lyde samplet fra enten et Yamaha CFX koncertflygel eller fra et Bösendorfer Imperial. Yamahas flagskib, det majestætiske CFX, giver en bred palette af klangfarver fra brilliante høje toner til fyldige dybe. Det legendariske Bösendorfer Imperial er berømt for sin sonore Wienske tone. Uanset hvad du foretrækker, kan den livagtige lyd i AvantGrand N3X hjælpe dig med at udforske de ydre grænser for din kreativitet.
Evolving the sonic spectrum

The AvantGrand series takes a unique approach to reproducing the sound of an acoustic grand piano. When capturing the original source sounds from a specially selected full concert grand, Yamaha technicians took samples from four different positions across the soundboard: left, right, center, and rear. Compared to conventional left-and-right channel (stereo) recording, this yielded wonderfully rich and authentic results. To make the most of this four-channel source sound, AvantGrand pianos employ Yamaha’s Spatial Acoustic Speaker System—a four-point speaker configuration that allows AvantGrand pianos to deliver faithful three-dimensional recreations of the original instruments. For the N3X, speaker placement mirrors the four recording positions on the source piano.
Digital technology that resonates with you

In addition to the four-channel Spatial Acoustic Speaker System, the AvantGrand features a flat-panel Soundboard Resonator located beneath the music rest and spanning the width of the instrument. This component allows for a more subtle reproduction of the buildup of sound that you feel when playing an acoustic grand piano. It works by using an oscillating transducer to transmit vibrations to the flat-panel soundboard, giving a realistic sound response that is especially evident in the upper key range.
Virtual Resonance Modeling (VRM)

In a grand piano, strings and sounds resonate throughout the entire body of the instrument producing a rich reverberation that envelops the listener in sound. Not only are the strings you are playing vibrating, but other strings ring as a reaction to ones you play. This is one reason the piano sound is so complex and rich.
This phenomena is reproduced perfectly in the AvantGrand N3X through Virtual Resonance Modeling (VRM) which calculates the various states of the strings for each of the 88 notes on the keyboard from one instant to the next. As a result, the N3X reflects the limitless number of factors inherent in playing an acoustic piano such as which keys are pressed, the strength with which the keys are played and pedal timing.
En komplet omsluttende hovedtelefonoplevelse

AvantGrand pianoer er designet til at fylde et rum med perfekt klang. Men nogle gange har du måske også brug for at holde lyden for dig selv - når du f.eks. øver om aftenen eller hvis der er andre i nærheden, som du ikke vil forstyrre.
I disse tilfælde giver hovedtelefoner dig dit private rum, hvor du kan spille hvad og hvornår du ønsker.
Takket være Yamahas binaurale samping* teknologi er lyden, du hører fra instrumentet, utroligt livagtig. Denne teknologi bruger samplinger optaget med en særlig mikrofon, som efterligner måden hvorpå det menneskelige øre opfanger lyd. Denne unikke tilgang gør det muligt for AvantGrand at genskabe lyden, nøjagtig som den
An emotional response

When you play an acoustic piano, the entire instrument resonates. You feel it subconsciously, through your feet on the pedals and through your fingers on the keyboard. It’s this subtle physical sensation that Yamaha’s Tactile Response System (TRS) works to recreate. This digital technology conveys the natural vibrations that emanate from a grand piano, unifying the emotional energy between you and the instrument. Even if you’re wearing headphones, you can use TRS to enhance the realism of the playing experience.
Gengivelse af nuanceret pedalbrug som på et flygel
Når du trykker pedalen ned på et flygel, vil du opleve forskellige stadier af modstand. Først giver pedalen let efter, lidt længere nede bliver modstanden større, for så at blive lettere igen mod slutningen af pedalgangen. Erfarne pianister bruger disse forskelle til at skabe meget fine nuancer i deres spil. Under udviklingen af AvantGrand gik vi efter, at genskabe følelsen af en ægte flygelpedal så tæt som overhovedet muligt. De resulterende pedaler giver dig værktøjerne til at spille musikken, som det er meningen, den skal spilles, og også med mulighed for at spille med impressionistiske stykker, med masser af halv-pedal spil.
Få mere med Smart Pianist-appen.

Få mere ud af klaveret med Smart Pianist, en dedikeret app som tilføjer et smukt grafisk interface og en masse ekstra funktioner til dit kompatible Yamaha-digitalpiano.
USB audio recorder
The USB to Device port allows you to connect your USB flash drive and use it as a built-in piano recording studio. You can store your performances directly on the USB flash drive as audio songs. These songs are stored in WAV format, so you can listen back using the keyboard's on-board speaker system, or conveniently play them on a computer, transfer them to a portable media device or upload them to share with friends online.
XLR pro-quality jack outputs
XLR balanced audio outputs give you a professional and stable output to connect to amplified speakers or to mixing consoles.