Creating A New Standard
Yamaha reinvented a legend with the new BB basses. Applying the advancements in knowledge, technology, and skills gained since their introduction over 30 years ago, the BB development team has created a design that delivers powerfully rich tone, excellent attack and sustain, immense volume, and overwhelming presence. The new BB features passive pickups and a bolton necks, and is available in three lines ranging from the custom shop 2024/25 models, to the 1024/25 production versions with nearly identical specs, and the 424/25 models offering many of the same high-end features.

Diagonal gennemgående opstrengning
BB Basses incorporate “Diagonal Body Thru Stringing” where strings are secured to a diagonal cut on the back end of the bass and pass through the instrument to the bridge at a 45º angle. The traditional method in which strings are bent induces stress when transmitting string vibration.
Diagonal Body Thru Stringing significantly reduces transferring string vibration to the body reliably and efficiently. Strings can also be set to the tail end of the bridge.

Vintage Plus Bridge

Are equipped with the newly developed Vintage Plus Bridge. The Vintage Plus Bridge is designed with a diagonal cut at the string’s contact point on the saddle to form a more stable fulcrum and obtain a clear, well-shaped sound.
Brass saddles supply a deep low-end and the steel bridge plate produces fast response.All screws and springs are made of stainless steel to guard against corrosion.
Spline Jointed 3-Piece Body

Three-piece bodies are joined together using spline joints between the center and side slabs.
Made of hard maple the splines deliver richer body resonance that comes close to that of a one-piece body. Also, mounting the bridge and neck to the center slab ensures the transfer of more string vibration energy to the body.
5-Piece Neck: Bolt-on Joint

The 5-Piece maple and mahogany laminated neck resists warping and twisting. It adds the tight and sharp character of maple combined with the warmth of mahogany to the instrument’s tone. Bolt on design delivers a sharp attack, quick response and crisp sound.
* BB1000 and BB400 series basses feature 5-Piece maple and nato laminated necks.
YGD Designed Pickups(BB2000/1000 Series)

Pursuing a passive sound, pickups were specially developed in cooperation with YGD (Yamaha Guitar Development). Open-faced designs allow pickups to capture more string vibration while bladed magnets handle dynamic rock playing styles such as aggressive picking. Alnico-V magnets on the front pickup deliver a warm deep tone while ceramic magnets on the rear deliver excellent punch.
Tuning Machines & String Guide

Tuning machines and the string guide are positioned to provide optimum string tension and balance.
Pickguard & Metal Plate (BB2024X/2025X/1024X/1025X Series)

Pickguards, metal control plates and metal knobs give the X models great Rock looks.
Nickel Silver Nut (BB2000/1000 Series)

The metal nut is made from the same material as the frets to deliver an open string sound that is closer to that of a fretted note. Compared to plastic or bone, nickel silver is more efficient at transferring string vibration.
A.R.E. / Acoustic Resonance Enhancement (BB2000 series)
A.R.E. (Acoustic Resonance Enhancement) er en original træbehandlingsteknologi udviklet af Yamaha. Gennem nøje kontrolleret temperatur, fugtighed og atmosfærisk tryk ændres træets molekylære struktur til en mere akustisk optimal tilstand, magen til den man finder i træet i instrumenter, der er blevet spillet gennem mange år.
I.R.A. / Initial Response Acceleration (BB2000 series)
Hvis du nogensinde har spillet på en anden guitarists guitar og ikke været i stand til at få det til at lyde rigtigt, kan det være fordi, din måde at spille på er anderledes end hvad guitaren er ""vant til"". En guitar ændres nemlig ved at blive spillet på gennem mange år, og det kan tage tid for en guitar, at tilpasse sig din måde at spille på. Spændinger mellem de forskellige dele såsom finish og træ, krop og hals og gribebræt, saddel, stol osv. skal udløses før alle delene kan resonere frit sammen som et helt instrument. Det tager lang tids brug. Ved at anvende IRA-teknologien, udløses disse spændinger ved at udsætte den færdigsamlede guitar for nogle helt bestemt vibrationer. Når dette er udført responderer guitaren mere præcist på guitaristens spil og har lettere ved at give lyd. Det gør også at guitaren hurtigere ""vænner sig"" til din spillestil. Og så giver det en fremragende sustain (RSP20CR).
Hardshell Case (BB2000 series)

Durable, lightweight hardshell case included. 1000 series comes with a gig bag.