Ny ""Twisted Flare""-port leverer klar og stram bund
Den nye ""Twisted Flare""-port er et resultat af omfattende subwoofer udvikling og erfaring. Portens udmunding diffuserer med sin drejende form, den vortex som luften laver ved portens kant, og gør dermed luftstrømmen mere glat og flydende. Det reducerer den støj der ellers kan opstå i forbindelse med luftens bevægelser omkring portmundingen, støj som ikke er en del af det ønskede signal, og det gør at bunden opfattes som mere stram, ren, vellydende og realistisk.

Twisted Flare Port Movie
Digital PWM drevet forstærker med høj virkningsgrad og dual feedback kredsløb

The built-in power amplifier delivers stable power output of 250 W with high efficiency while minimizing power consumption and heat production. It does not require an output filter coil, resulting in extremely low noise and distortion. High speed transient response is also excellent. The dual feedback circuit reduces distortion by applying feedback twice, resulting in higher sound clarity.
Avanceret YST II giver dyb bund

Den avancerede YST II-teknologi (Yamaha Active Servo Technology II) kombinerer principper og negativ impedans og konstant strømstyrke og opnår en endnu bedre beherskelse af højttalerenheden end den tidligere version. Ved at bruge et Advanced Negative Impedance Converter (ANIC)-kredsløb bliver den reelle højttalerimpedans dynamisk optimeret til at bibeholde en eksemplatisk linearitet. Det gør responsen i bunden af frekvensområdet mere stabil og dermed lydkvaliteten højere.
25 cm (10”) Cone Woofer Unit with Square Wire

A 25 cm (10”) large woofer unit is used in a front-firing configuration. The voice coil of the driver unit employs square wire with a wide surface area that can be wound more densely to obtain higher magnetic flux density. It delivers high drive force, permitting tight and deep bass reproduction.
Smukt design som matcher en bred vifte af højttalere og indretning
In addition to the beautifully round shape of the front surface, panels on both sides to create an accent, and a neat appearance, this subwoofer lets you imagine the strength of sound and matches a wide range of speaker systems. Numerous color variations are provided, so you can select one matched to your interior.
Kontrolpanel på fronten for nem betjening

The power and volume buttons, which are used most often, are laid out on the front surface of the unit for ease of access. It is inclined at an angle of 45°, making it easy to use even when placed on the floor. An LED indicator is above the power button, so even in a dimly lit room it's easy to tell if it's on or off.
System kontrol og auto standby
The system control terminal can be linked to the amplifier power to automatically turn the power on and off. There is also an Auto Standby Function: If no signal is input from the amplifier for a fixed period, it automatically switches to the standby state, and when a signal from the amplifier is detected, power turns on automatically. This limits the wasteful consumption of electricity.
Øvrige features
•Lav strømforbrugning, kun 0.2W
• Auto Standby switch / Sensitivity selector (high, low and off)
• Phase control (normal or reverse)
• B.A.S.S. switch