YSP-2200 Udgået
Slank og justerbar i højden
The YSP-2200 er kun 79 mm høj, så du kan placere den foran de fleste fjernsyn uden at spærre for udsynet til billedet. Fødderne kan justeres i højden, så du kan opnå optimal positionering. Fødderne kan også fjernes.
Placeringfleksibel subwoofer
Den medfølgende subwoofer kan placeres lodret eller vandret og kan stå i eller ved siden af en reol. Passer perfekt til YSP-2200.
Digital Sound Projector™ Technology
YSP-2200 er udstyeret med en sofistikeret teknologi som gør at den kan kontrollere lyden ved at sende lyden via fler vinkler. Center kanalens lyd kommer forfra, mens lyde fra andre kanaler kommer fra væggene. Resultatet bliver ægte surroundlyd - men uden behov for ekstra højttalere.
Designet for bedste lyd
With a built-in 132W digital amplifier that efficiently drives all channels, an aluminium body that damps vibrations, precision sound tuning and optimum subwoofer matching, the YSP-2200 delivers 7.1-channel surround sound with outstanding clarity and linearity. The design is more elegant and less obtrusive than multiple speaker boxes.
Alsidig lytteformer, herunder 7,1-kanals output kapacitet
The YSP-2200 achieves true surround sound by directing sound beams off the walls to reach the listener from various angles. The main mode is 5 BeamPlus2 for 7-channel sources. In addition, there is a wide variety of other listening modes. You can select 3 BeamPlus2 + Stereo, 5 Beam, Stereo + 3 Beam, 3 Beam, Stereo and My Surround.
11 CINEMA DSP programmer:
Yamahas ultra-sofistikerede CINEMA DSP teknologi skaber næsten uhyggeligt realistiske lydlandskaber i alle rum. Du kan vælge fire forskellige programmer, bl.a. film, musik, sport og spil.
HD-lyd dekodning
YSP-2500- afkoder HD lydsignaler for at sikre at du får den bedste lyd fra bluray eller andre digitale kilder.
1080p-Compatible HDMI
The YSP-2200 provides 3 in/1 out HDMI connections with support for 1080p resolution. HDMI is the latest version of the HDMI interface, featuring 3D for transmitting 3D video signals. Audio Return Channel lets you hear the TV sound from the YSP-2200 via a single HDMI cable, with no need for an extra optical cable. HDMI also provides the benefits of Deep Colour, x.v.Colour and Auto Lip-Sync.
CEC Compatibility
When the YSP-2200 can be connected to a CEC-compatible TV, such as a Panasonic VIERA Link compatible television, it will turn on and off simultaneously with the TV.
Music Enhancer
Når musikken er kodet ind i et digitalt komprimeret format som MP3, bliver frekvensgangen lidende. Denne funktion gendanner hvad der var tabt, så din musik altid lyder, som den skal.
IntelliBeam automatiseret systemkalibrering
This Yamaha exclusive feature ensures optimum multi-channel sound reproduction with accurate image location. By monitoring and analysing the sound with the microphone included with the YSP-2200, IntelliBeam automatically sets the best beam angles, while optimising the level and frequency response of each beam. This makes initial setup both extremely simple and acoustically perfect.
UniVolume, udjævner lyden mellem reklameindslag og film
Denne funktion er positivt modtaget af mange. Yamaha har udviklet en teknik, som opretholder samme lydstyrke mellem forskellige kanaler, programmer, reklamer og indgangskilder. Den kan tændes og slukkes.
Øvrige features
• Turn On Volume: Volume comes on at a preset level when power is turned on
• Surround indicator shows HD or SD video format
• Input rename function
OSD på flere sprog (engelsk, tysk, fransk, spansk, italiensk, hollandsk og russisk)
• IR path through for remote control
• Sleep timer (30/60/90/120 min)
• Auto power off
• Sophisticated aluminium body
AirWired Technology for Wireless Connections via Optional YID-W10
The YSP-2200 makes it easy to enjoy music from your iPod/iPhone via a wireless link. You also get outstanding sound quality, because AirWired technology transmits uncompressed data so there is no loss of signal data, unlike systems that use Bluetooth technology to send compressed data. In addition, there is no delay time, ensuring that sound and video are always in sync.