A-S3000 Udgået
A piano comes into this world through the perfect synergy of advanced technical skill and artistry. Such a piano can create sound that truly reflects the player's feelings.
The final stage in piano production is called “voicing.” This breathes life into the instrument and truly makes it musical. To accomplish this, highly skilled experts focus their concentration and sensitivity completely on each note and delicately adjust the hardness and resilience of the hammers that strike the strings, establishing the perfect, consistent sound for the entire instrument and determining its tonal personality.
Yamaha brings this exact same approach and process to its audio products. Our experienced technicians perform exhaustive listening tests and strictly consider every single element and component, to draw closer—step by meticulous step—to the ideal sound.
Introducing the S3000 Series, the absolute culmination of hi-fidelity audio. Yamaha knows all about sound and even more about music, and has brought all its rich artistic sensitivity into the creation of this line.
All the energy and finely nuanced technique of the artist, all the power and subtlety of the original music is fully reproduced, with absolutely nothing left out. The result is a remarkably pure sound—powerfully expressive and exquisitely profound.
Beautiful and elegant in appearance, sturdy and reliable in construction, created with the latest, innovative technology and genuine craftsmanship—all nurtured by our long experience in the manufacture of musical instruments.
Yamaha proudly offers this new high-end lineup, delivering supreme quality in every way. This is the manifestation of our passion to give music lovers the ultimate in listening enjoyment—a tradition we've been carrying on and advancing for more than 125 years.
Produkt Information
A-S3000 Udgået
Imponerende, nøjagtig lyd med musikkens fulde udtryk og kraft. Exceptionelt ren lyd, eliminering af signaltab – i et udsøgt, elegant design. A-S3000 – den suveræne kulmination i Yamaha’s sortiment.
- Robust og stabil chassis - forhindrer vibrationer og giver kortere signalveje
- Stor ringkernetransformer, solidt monteret med selvstændig tredimensionel inderramme
- Omfattende lav-impedans design, afkortede signalveje og forkobret chassis
- Seks mm tykt toppanel lavet af ikke-magnetisk aluminiumsplade
- Venstre-højre symmetriske design for uafhængige pre amp og power amp blokke
- Flydende ogbBalanceret effektforstærker med MOSFETs
- Balanceret transmission i alle faser
- Direkte ringkernetransformer for fuldstændig eliminering af signaltransmissionstab
- Exceptionelt lav-impedans gennem sikre skrueforbindelser
- Overlegen kvalitet på volumenkontrollen for optimal lyd
- Discretely configured phono amp
- Udsøgte, store niveaumålere afspejler dynamikken i musikken
- Omhyggeligt designet og flot at se på - ligesom et musikinstrument
- Originale højttalerterminaler for høj lydkvalitet, samt skønhed og brugervenlighed
- Obsessive, meticulous switch design— elaborate, richly textured, easy-to-use
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