Yamaha Music Europe is launching the Yamaha Music Europe Hub
As an important part of the Yamaha Group's global strategy to pursue digital transformation (DX) and stronger consumer-centric marketing, Yamaha Music Europe has begun to transform its membership services, introducing the new global Yamaha Music account service, "Yamaha Music ID."
With its diverse range of musical instruments, products and services, offered in a variety of European countries and regions, Yamaha is harmonizing its member account systems to enhance its digital customer experience and improve account processing, as users move between Yamaha's many digital platforms.
This new account service will be launched on the “Yamaha Music Europe Hub”, a website dedicated to music, music culture, and learning to play an instrument. Inspirational articles, videos and podcasts invite readers to explore the many facets that music brings to their lives every day. In addition, the site features a members' area where customers can register their products to gain access to exclusive contents and benefits, like warranty extensions or learning apps.
Scott Yusuke Sugino, European Business Planning & Corporate Strategy, explains:
"The launch of Yamaha Music ID is a first step in continuously improving our digital service offers for European consumers. We will gradually extend this membership authentication management to other services and platforms, and, going forward, our customers will be able to conveniently access all of our digital offerings through a single Yamaha Music ID account."
Existing customers who have already created a membership account on one of the country-specific product websites will be seamlessly transferred to the new account profiles. Further rollout and expansion is planned for the next fiscal year, and announcements will follow as other membership sites are integrated.