We are glad to inform you about a new member of the Yamaha Artist Family.

Simon Plötzender is one of the upcoming new trumpet voices from Austria.

Speaking on behalf of Yamaha Timo Hänf, Artist Relation and Product Specialist : “It is great that with Simon Plötzender another top Trumpet player decided for Yamaha. You can listen to him on his Yamaha instruments also on his new album “145th & St. Nick's"

Born in Austria in 1987, Simon Plötzender first began playing the trumpet and piano at age of nine.

While attending various music schools he simultaneously started his studies at the Anton Bruckner Privat Universität in Linz. From there, he had the opportunity to attend the Konservatorium Wien Privat Universität.

The peak of Plötzender’s studies came when he was able to play three concerts with legendary pianist Joe Zawinul, while simultaneously studying with classical trumpeter Bo Niellson in Sweden.

In 2009 he moved to Amsterdam to extend his jazz vocabulary by studying with Ruud Breuls and Jan Oosthof. Following a two year masters program at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam Simon was offered an exchange semester scholarship to the Manhattan School of Music in New York where he had the opportunity to study with Scott Wendholt, Joe Magnarelli, Phil Markowitz, and Dave Liebman.

In 2011 Simon graduated successfully as "Master of Music" at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. Currently he is in demand as a touring musician, and often divides his time between Vienna and Germany.

“My Yamaha instruments help me to realise my musical ideas, and always provide the right sound in all varieties of musical style.”

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